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Fourthland with Maya Ronchetti in collaboration with Camborne Community Centre, Kestle Barton

and the Syrian community in Cornwall.

November – September 2022

Starting story


A rising of the

Cosmic domestic

Where we gather around

To awaken the ground

And offer back to the deep deep chambers that lye below


Offering back to what has been taken away

Extracted from the ground

Migrated to all corners of the world, people, tin, copper, clay,

Spinning wheels

Vast Chambers under the ground and sea


Voids that that are walked upon

Voids that hold memories

Of hands and feet


We gather here to offer back to the land

With, music, drum and dancing feet

Four arcs rising to form one


Within the cosmic domestic with our table under the wheel of the sky

We gather to share hearts

Songs, stories and sounds following the old pathways, tracks and shafts with dancing feet

We re-harmonise bringing a vast wheel that extends into the land to re-meet the pathways

With songs and stories we rise the Arc

RiSING Arc is an installation and gathering space situated in Camborne, Cornwall presenting a fusion of a planetarium and a Middle Eastern tea house in proximity to Camborne’s deepest mine. This project will create a place to offer back to the land, energetically and symbolically - a place to heal from all that has been taken away. Two story threads form the beginning seeds for our project, and each will evolve collaboratively and creatively with a diverse group of people.


Thread 1
Camborne was once one of the wealthiest places in the world famed for innovation, engineering and mining. Thousands of tones of materials were taken from the ground to form infrastructures and beautiful objects all around the world. Generations of skilled hands and minds.

How can we re-remember something of the vitality and alchemy of the land from the scars left behind?


Thread 2

Camborne and the surrounding mining towns are also the new home to Syrian families seeking refuge from their previous lands, which were taken away from them through conflicts of war. The families have arrived with ‘nothing’, and with ‘everything’, and bring with them emergent gifts of togetherness as gift bearers.

How can we connect to realize that we are all bearing the gifts?


The project will weave together these collaborative threads through a series of events and gatherings to form new stories.

 RiSING Arc is a call to offer back and restore a sense of belonging with the magic of the land to love more deeply in the times of extraction. 

This is a collaborative project with Camborne Community Centre, Kestle Barton, the Syrian community in Cornwall and other Cornish locals from a range of backgrounds.
Supported by Arts Council England, Kestle Barton and CAST








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