Through an experience of collective nourishment and care
I feel my authentic self
From that space of unique diversity
I am able to feel the hearth of the world
my pilgrimage
to the place I am from
I make a pilgrimage to the centre of my being
To the center of my hearth
To weave my unique self into the landscape a new
I am here at the threshold to my beginning
The gateway to experience
How to prepare for the journey
Allow yourself to feel excited about the prospect of going somewhere just for you. You as the centre of everything.
Taking with you only what you need to express this beginning of you and to ask the surroundings for support.
Return to your nature companions and follow the warm feeling of your hand trustingly held by the hand of Yoruk as a confirmation of your path.
* * *
Whenever we bring something into being we are allowing the universe to see us – when we allow our whole self to be seen the universe is able to better assist us on the path. This pilgrimage is a moment to explore these ideas of taking your whole self somewhere and seeing what magic opens up.
As you prepare for this special occasion, feel into how the practical and symbolic preparation can exist as one and the same, with equal importance and aligned with what your inner landscape needs to meet the outer.
A Threshold practice
Explore the journeys you have made through the arc of the course
Notice the key threads that are emerging for you about the texture and nature of your hearth
You may like to transform your almanac in some way for this process or continue working with the materials that are calling you at this time.
We would like you to think about this process as a birth of yourself at this new beginning. Ask yourself
What are you wearing on your skin
What would you like to take with you
What colors do you have with you
What ritual or ceremony do you do when you get there, and before you travel
Hearth guidance objects and navigators
When crafting the objects to bring with you, feel into them as the following threads
how we embody the life spark of existence – a connection to our centre
how we sculpt our authentic creativity, attuning our bodies as channels of wisdom between finite and infinite realms
how our beings meet the multiple threads of existence – a gathering of knowledge to serve the ecosystem of potential
how we weave ourselves a new skin of sensuality to meet the world – crafting the cloak of our souls to offer back our potential
Journey book - your personal almanac
Using the cloths, images and textures you have made or drawn, make a selection into a personal journey book. Each part acting as guidance, rememberance and support for your pilgrimage. Leave space to write or draw what emerges during your pilgrimage.
Allow the place you travel to to find you
We began to explore this playfully with the mapping activity. You may like to work with something directly that came during this activity or you may like to use it to inspire another way of finding the place or allowing a process other than your mind to guide you to a place.
When listening in to the place that is calling you, try to connect to the element that perhaps have until now lingered more in the shadows, and how this journey can become an opportunity to reconnect with that part of yourself.
Experiment with exploring a landscape that wouldn’t normally be your first choice, or find a way to explore moving and pausing through the landscape as a way that enables you to receive it afresh.
Remember you do not have to go far. We encourage you however to allow yourself a spacious enough time wherever you go. Also allow yourself to create a sacred and comforting holding space for this experience, considering where you might stay the night and how the space however it is, can become a sacred nest between the days.
How you journey
The journey begins at home, with your altar, with the hearth you have created,
Every moment of the preparation is as valid as the journey itself, the small actions, the moments of care.
The practicals
If you are going to go somewhere for the weekend see if you can travel there on the Friday
We will tune in as a group together at 8pm on the Friday ( not online but collectively in a shared practice)
We will gather as a group at 12 on Saturday as a shared practice (not online but collectively in a shared practice)
On Sunday we will have a morning circle (online) together
To gather to take with you
Your journey book / personal almanac
Anything you have made, prepared to bring with you
And offering for the landscape/place you have arrived to
One day in the rest of our lives
Not a final something
but a beginning of something
A space of deep presence that expands out to meet the spiral of
cyclical knowing
in the depths of your being
In connection with all realms of being
you are not alone
As i journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I follow the track of the badger
to arrive here
to meet and welcome in my younger self
quirky and valuable
in my secret place of shelter
the self that always knew their place
her green body merging with the forest
through the lichen curtains
her eyes as seeds
that germinate
and grow the new vision
to guide the way
as I give value to the precious parts of me
keeping them with me for the next part of my life
As i journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I ventured into the storm
to paint
to dance
to find my space and
take up space
to dream bigger
as i move my body
i realise that no one in the world dances like me
it is my unique movement
my unique creation
my ability to soak up inspiration and to create from it
I realise that I Am
and my art is like this dance
abundant and courageous
taking up space to create just as I want to
bringing courage to create without judgement
As i journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I trace my body and his as a skeletal foundation
I create my inner mappings
of journeys and visions to the soul grounds
meeting the doorways that open to me
where I project my voice,
my tone, and my communication
of things that matter to me
feeling for the first time that I have something to offer
It is all going somewhere
to all the unexpected places
I share with others things that are important to me
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I followed the call of the sea
It came to me out of the blue
and I started moving
it felt just right
It flowed out of me with pleasure
and the glow and flow returned to my being
encompassing me in a grounded, safe and nurtured existence
I am supported
wrapped with a golden bow
is my story
the textures of me that meet the sea of belonging
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I ponder the meaning of home
I remember the lamp that was always kept alit in our house as a temple
I remember how the fire ceremonies would bring energy
a house of rituals
a house as a carrier of culture
this house that sensitised me to the world
I reach out to other woman
to explore how to carry culture
and Here i shape a bowl of clay and earth
to accompany me in my practice
I dip the white cloth into the ground
to soak it in the memory of earth
and here
I remember to live my life
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I reach into each situation
just being
without game or expectation
I fully acknowledge that what I am bringing is valuable
in this dreamscape
I acknowledge my sensitivities to draw the dream
and just be
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I begin to unfold instead of plan
I become aware of who is on my journey
and what comes into my consciousness
I am joined by a monkey
who invited me to share perspective
to share with community
and let the river
over take me
so that I can collude in the loving
dance of the crocodile
a kiss that calls me to the depths of my being
Moving my body
and sounding
a ritual of remembering love
that nothing is pushed down and buried forever
only dispersed and given new light
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I step into my spiritual self
where i honour my lightness
and sense of energy
a belonging that is not conditional
I can bring myself to feel soft and at peace
I dare to open so that things can be bigger
I am fearless
i dream
I see abundance
I open to signs and encounters
through my feather practice
I connect with a spiritual gift
that I shamanic
bringing lightness around confrontation
connecting with the sun and the moon
in a deep knowing that it is safe to feel light
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
A white pole
and wobbly
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I tap into a higher spiritual awakening
I am held by the warmth of fire under blankets
and from the doorway in my foot
beautiful and overwhelming
the oracle emerged
I meet myself in intimacy
I come to know
that I am a messenger
I reach between worlds and souls
between lightness and dark
I find protection strength and courage
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I cultivate a wholeness that is larger than life
I notice that I am able to contain all experiences within myself
I move with ease and a
sure footedness
within the waterfall that is pooling
I enter into it
with no hesitation
So that I can swim into the darkness
I land
larger than life
where I can pass through easily
I move into a beingness
that is bigger, confident
and full with dark earthiness
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I meet the wholeness of me
Endlessly simple
and utterly profound
As I journey to the pilgrimage
of my authentic self
I meet the wholeness of me
Endlessly simple
and utterly profound