"We are one child spinning through Mother Sky" - Shawnee
Cosmic Council
Events and sacred practices to cultivate a community of light holders
The message of the Cosmic Council is a way of thinking about a community - equally connected to the land as it is to the sky. Tuning in with these rhythms as a way of supporting each other to manifest the light that we want to shine.
This is a time of great illumination, that is calling all of us to develop processes of attunement with the land, our hands, spirit and community economy in ways not seen for generations. It is a time to summon new sustainable structures, not based on separation and fear, but on connection - ones that embrace the embodied and non-liner cosmic land time that we are all yearning for.
We consulted the landscape for guidance:
As we laid on the rock we had a vision of light molecules passing between each of us in radiant concentric circles – forming through our inner and outer soils – molecules freely moving - hand in hand – one growing in the presence of the other – growing together. The same - yet different. It was as if we had dissolved our human form and knowledge of the current time and had instead become a mutualistic, symbiotic being, connected with all things, creating a chain – of interconnected creativity. A network of light carriers.
When we opened our eyes we remembered the – mycorrhizal fungus in the soil that maintains a diversity of the ecosystem – one species helping the other to flourish. In this relationship a range of plants can be more protected and more resilient – exchanges take place of various scales to maintain this interconnected richness of the fields.
So our vision for the Cosmic Council becomes like the mycorrhizal - each of us working as guardians of positive light, expanding into a hive of interconnection. By growing a community and new type of support network we can together carry the light that is needed for collective transformation and the growth of a new world
When you feel powerless it is because you stopped listening to your own heart, that’s where power comes from – Gianni Crow

Join one of our
Light Carriers Circles
A place of visions within the dream veil.
This circle work is to support carrying hope and transformation in times of uncertainty - incorporating creative actions, sounds and guided processes, whilst acting as a safe and neutral place of sharing between fellow humans
These circles create the opportunity for you to weave your idea threads with others, enabling interconnection and deepening the importance of your own actions within a network of actions.
The work is held online and also partly guided in your own space in order to merge between physical and digital worlds.
Opportunities to join one of two groups a month
Sundays: 6pm UK time
next series to be released soon
Sign up as part of a series of 3 circles suggested donation for waged participants between £30 - £50
One off drop in - suggested donation for waged participants between £15 - £30
How to sign up
Email us: fourthlandinfo@gmail.com
Materials and links will then be sent to you by email after the donation is received
Join one of our
Sacred Seed rituals
planting the new seeds of our time
These cyclical acts take place towards the beginning of every 40 day cycle offering a special space for shared ritual and shared intentions to be planted into the earth. A sacred ritual completed separately and collectively at the same time, in a place within the landscape of your choice.
These groups will journey to realign our visions with the sacred rhythm of Mother Earth cultivating the power of collective intention and seeding our collective weaving to become a manifesting current beneath the surface of things cultivating the new crops of our time.
These Sacred Seed rituals follow the series of light carrying circles, both as a consultation and integration of the threads that are weaving between us supporting emerging threads to deepen.
Process and practicals
We will send you a tuning in ritual before the session so that you can prepare what you need ahead of our gathering. The time is divided as a trine, of experiences each hour connecting us to our animal, human and spirit selves.
The session will begin online providing a space to meet everyone involved and to offer our intention into the circle
This will be followed by completing the Collective ritual simultaneously in the place of your choice.
Completing with a weaving together of sharing
The sharings will be collected to form a ‘seed sanctuary’.
suggested donation between 25-60 pounds

Join us for the
PORTAL gathering
“The Earth and myself are of one mind”
Native American proverb
The Portal is a ceremonial gathering that explores the place we currently stand at the point of threshold as we enter the next cycle of 2021.
How are you feeling right now?
How is the earth feeling right now?
Where does your bodymind fit within the web of feelings and messages coming at you in all directions?
The gathering includes a 3 part guided ceremony followed by a sharing circle, journeying with you to tune into your unique personal experience at this liminal time - how this personal experience can be shared within the sacred holding of the collective.
As the energy in the ground and sky begins to rise, the portal will seed how you can learn to cultivate your liminal messages and dream seeds – to create your own unique portal as an anchor from which all else can flow.
This is the first of a series of Portal gatherings taking place throughout the thresholds of this year.
7-9pm UK time
Please use the link above to donate and sign up using your name as a reference.
Donations of £25 are suggested - Please get in touch about concession places if needed.
This gathering will take place online using the platform Jitsi. This simply requires that you click on a link which we will send you in an email just ahead of our gathering. Please note that Safari browser does not tend to agree with this platform so we recommend using another browser.

Support our hive
Become part of the hive of light carriers. Through this membership you are contributing to our practice supporting a range of our social programs with communities. Including supporting us to continue the work we have been developing with Syrian families in Cornwall, project can be visited here
Contributions to our hive-economy will also support us to seed other micro ecologies through donations to other light holders in the community.
In exchange monthly subscribers will receive a regular light carrying message from the Cosmic Council - this takes the form of a reading, poem or sound piece.
Subscribers will also receive The PORTAL and promotions for events and talks.
Monthly subscription

Work with us to
develop Tools for light carrying
We are offering a series of creative tools for groups in times of uncertainty. These practices for light carrying will support you to navigate this time. These practices will be rooted in our extensive experience working with a range of groups, individuals, organisations, and universities.
Get in touch with us if you would like to receive more information on this.

Sign up to receive
The PORTAL is a collection of writing, images, readings, visions and especially created theme-based guided practices. Crafting the unknown in times of uncertainty. It will also feature updates and visions from us about our work in relation to climate and culture.
Our vision for the PORTAL is that it serves as a collection of voices and threads honouring ancient and primordial modes of communication; voices from other realms, visions, connections with spirit, stories, the marginal, revealing things that are hidden and things that are sacred. We are interested in intuitive summonings in response to the current energy of the time and the sharing of idea seeds.
The PORTAL will serve as a collection of things that need to be spoken or sounded.
We see that each edition of the PORTAL will become a blessing, a pause and a window into a different way of thinking.
Contributions to the PORTAL will be of the oral and the handwritten kind – honouring and embedding the presence of humanness and collaboration into the offering.
Each edition to the PORTAL will be part sound file and part self printable artwork complete with assembly instructions.
We are looking for contributions to each edition from beings who have light holding and light carrying visions to share. Get in touch for more information on this. We hope to grow a network that is shared initially through editions of the PORTAL and online.
Receiving the PORTAL
Two editions released per year on solstices
Suggested donation £25
Send us an email to register interest