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THE COLLECTIVE TONGUE, Performance at Errant Bodies, Berlin 2014

The Collective Tongue

An international project embodying ideas that our bodies and artist objects are instruments and tools to connect with the deeper collective subconscious field - creating spaces of holistic listening whilst to uncovering ideas of a deeper presence and imagined future. 


This project saw the production of a collection of 'Aural/oral muscles' , a series of artist objects inspired by ancient shepherd tools and archetypal symbolism, which we wrapped and carried with us as bundles to many different institutions and countries. Through the archetypal gesture of carrying the bundles through the public sphere initiated many surprising exchanges with members or the public, some asking 'what are you carrying?', others suggesting that they know what we might be carrying. The bundles were installed as a landscape for 'public dreaming' sessions in which the  participants could listen to a sonic journey of the objects inside.


Work history 

Art and Nature conference, Birmingham

Errant Bodies Berlin

Bergen Academy of art

Situations, Bristol

PEER gallery 

Open school east, Margate 

Waking the Witch, Scunthorpe

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